We would like to order used rails R50 and R65.
We are looking for a one year contract with possibilities up to 4 years for the following steel material.
We require the owner to prove the existence and ownership of the product.
Total quantity 1.200.000 metric tons/year of used and uncontaminated R50-R65 railroad rails, whole or cut to 1.20 meters long, packages of 6 metric tons each. Duly packed and bound to be loaded with hook and ship’s gear
Total quantity: trial shipment 50,000 metric tons.
Thereafter 1 monthly of 100,000 metric tons: or 2 monthly shipments of 50,000 metric tons each. Estimated sailing date for each port is the 25th of each calendar month.
The second vessel of equal tonnage around 25th of each month
Very important Delivery terms: FOB ocean vessel, stowed.
Please send us Soft Offer.