New user sign-up

Please enter your valid e-mail address to receive a letter with the link to the registartion form. Your email will be used to forward you the messages from your potential customers.

When having login problems, please change your browser for Mozila Firefox.

Existing users login here

Registration guidelines on British Scrap Metal Portal

Registration process on British Scrap Metal Portal consists of two stages:

  • User email address validation to check its functionality and the absence of blocking by spam-filters by sending the link to be followed to fill in the registration form. If you have not received the link, please, check spam (junk) folder. The link to proceed the registration expires within 30 min. In case of the link expiry go back and request a new one.
  • After following the link you come to registration form. The required fields have to be duely filled, inserting correct and full information. Login and password should be in Latin characters without spaces and special symbols like "-", "_", "*", "@". If the filled form is not submitted, read carefully the mistake notices!

Wish you good luck and patience!